The animated series ‘The Owl House’ has quickly become a fan favorite with viewers of all ages since its debut in 2020. One of the major driving forces behind its success is the presence of its protagonist, Luz Noceda, as she attempts to navigate her newfound world of magic. But even Luz can’t be successful all on her own – she’s accompanied by a formidable group of supporting characters, including the mysterious, enigmatic and ever-popular Amity Blight.
The idea of creating a powerful, non-binary character for a kid’s show is an innovative and brave step, and the writers and producers behind ‘The Owl House’ were clearly intent on creating an original, involving and ultimately empathetic character in Amity. In an age where female and/or LGBTQ+ representation in films, TV and video games is often pushed to the side-lines or even absent, Amity is a refreshing figure who portrays strength, individuality, intelligence and a quiet determination from their very first appearance.
On the surface, Amity has many of the traits you would expect from the ‘tough girl’ archetype. From the way they dress, to the way they talk, to the way they handle dangerous or often overwhelming situations, Amity is a force of nature and a role model for viewers watching at home. Equally as impressive, however, is the way in which the show’s creators construct Amity as a three-dimensional character. It doesn’t take long to realise that beneath their hard exterior lies a vulnerable and troubled soul, one capable of hurt, pain and more.
By taking a closer look at Amity’s life prior to the show, it becomes clear that their journey to magic school hasn’t been an easy one. Not only do they come from a repressive and subtly cruel background, but they also carry the guilt and self-criticism which is omnipresent in those situations. Whilst Amity never directly states the depth of their past in the show, the lighter moments where they demonstrate a caring and empathetic nature towards others – including Luz – speak volumes about their inner turmoil and the immense importance of self-acceptance.
The biggest testament to Amity’s development as a character, however, is the way in which they are treated and viewed by their peers throughout the show. Initially, Amity is treated with suspicion and outright hostility by many of the other students, with Bo being one of the few exceptions. But as the series progresses, other characters gradually begin to acknowledge Amity’s wisdom, strength and even inventiveness, to the point where they have become one of the most respected characters in the show.
The journey of Amity Blight is one of the most compelling and resonant stories in The Owl House. As a non-binary character, they embody a strength and self-assurance which comes from their difficult past and reflects the difficulties which many LGBTQ+ people go through on a daily basis. But more than that, Amity is a reminder that resilience and determination can lead to strength, acceptance and ultimately success, both in storyline terms and on a level which speaks to viewers beyond the show.